Age doesn't matter, career wise. We both know this is true, and that it isn't. WE don't care about age. But we cannot ignore the fact that it matters to our surroundings. And THAT we can only ignore to a certain degree.
We need to make time pass. Just to become older. But we cannot waste time, we are incapable of wasting time, yet we need to be older to do what we want to do. You know I stumble upon paradoxes in everything, and this is a paradox: We will always be ahead. Wasting time means exploring, engaging, experiencing - discovering, developing... Stepping forward. Ahead.
But why are you in such a rush? Where is it you're going?
Maybe I'm just mirroring myself in you. Maybe I fear loosing my own identity, seeing my abilities drown in yours. My identity overshadowed. At the same time I need and hate your governance. Ooooooh... How could I miss this... How could I miss this?! Such irony. It's about synergy.
Realising your recognition boosts me into not needing it. Striving for and receiving acknowledgement sets me free from the limitation it is to seek approval before believing for real.
The same about age. Just forget about it - you do right in ignoring. Trust builds on confidence, and it's abilities that matter. No... Not abilities. Belief. Yours and theirs. Mine. Abilities are secondary. Confidence will lead to trust. A tall house needs a strong foundation.
You're a brick in my foundation. With confidence, I become a brick in yours - you already consider me as such. Not seeing this is what makes me feel governed. But in fact, we are equal. We can fully benefit when I realise that my foundation is strong enough without you. Now I see that I can bring you higher as well. That is true synergy.
Its about 1+1 being either 1.5, 2, or 3. About internal integrity. Not about interdependency for existence, but for reaching full potentials. And its exactly the same with the professions.