Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thesis stress sets one's values straight!

Luckily for my thesis / unfortunately for my blog I have spent a lot of time the past weeks getting the report into proper frames before deadline 30th September... Sigh. This brings me straight to the topic of choice for tonight. Thesis stress.

Though as you know I prefer not to use the word "stress", just like I try to use "challenge" instead of "problem". So lets say that I am just under a bit of pressure these days, finishing my thesis. This is a situation, which indeed sets one's priorities straight!

Personal priorities and values are concepts I have been continuously faced with during my attempts to get out of the wilderness and onto a clearer path - metaphorically speaking, obviously. I remember when I realised how values can serve as support for decision making - it was in a training session in LSS 2010 with the title "Focus and Time Management", I was delivering it with Wendelien, and I felt somewhat hypocritical trying to help people finding their way in life, when I didn't even know where I was going myself. We managed well though, and I learned a lot myself in that session.

I realised that the foundation of making decisions consists of values. I think its like this... If you have clear goals in life, you can easily identify your priorities, and those can be used for guidance. Without clear goals the priorities can be more foggy, and you need to consider also your values before the priorities stand out, but fear not - it is actually not as complicated as it sounds! :)

So what I did was this: Look at a list of values, and identify 10 that are the most important to you. Then sort of the 5 which are your top priorities. Write them down, e.g. on a post-it, and stick it somewhere you are remind often.

The values in this wordle above are among the ones that are most important to me. I have them written down; its not like I carry it around with me, but I like to look at it once in a while, and think things over...

I got to think about the topic of this post when I was considering how I am spending my time now that I am under pressure due to the thesis-writing. What things I feel like I can't move from my calendar; the things that make me less stressed. Those include workout and dinners with my sister, while meetings with friends and parties seem to less important. And actually, now that my deadline is coming closer, I really feel like I am becoming a lot more efficient, and not allowing myself all those procrastinations I used to. Like cleaning the windows, even though they could use it! It feels really good to work in a more focused manner - consistent with the achievement and integrity in the wordle, since I believe in dedication to a task! :)

Now I "just" need to figure out how those values can help me along in deciding where I overall want to go with my life... :D Suggestions and thoughts are more than welcome!

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