Once in a while we get a taste of something sweet, something utterly delicious - and we want more. The taste might be the knowledge of a job, which would be perfect, or a potential partner, who could rock the world, or something else, which we realise could be amazing to have.
But we get just a taste.
Those windows serve as inspiration for dreams, at least for me. They make me realise what I want with or in my life (which as you know is otherwise a sore spot for me). A taste that makes me light up, makes my heart beat, makes me dream of what might be - those are the moments I'm talking about!
But they can be volatile, such moments.
I can feel that I have different options for handling them. One is to be disappointed and resign from the pursuit of something similar, thinking "there will never be anything as good as..." or "I never get what I want". This is the side of me that is afraid to dream, 'cause what if I will never be able to make my dreams come true? I would be unhappy forever!!
Then there is the more optimistic side of me, which (luckily!) is the predominant. This side uses the taste as motivation, remembers the taste, and keeps looking for it. The world is HUGE, there is FOR SURE something or someone else out there to give you the same satisfaction.
It might feel like a loss, being deprived of the taste, but really it is a gain - an opportunity to realise how you can improve what you currently have. It makes you realise what it is you're looking for. It reminds you not to settle for less.